About Radio Kaya
Radio Kaya was established in July 2007 to meet the communication needs of the Coastal people. We are a leading radio station in the Coastal region with a fast growing listenership base.
Our main aim is to educate our listeners on their culture and to provide a forum for exchange of knowledge that will lead to the advancement of local coastal communities. Radio Kaya broadcasts in the national language, Kiswahili, and three Mijikenda dialects, namely: Digo, Giriama and Duruma. Use of the dialects enables wider reach to other segments within the region.
Radio Kaya frequencies are 93.1 fm in Mombasa and its environs, 99.7 fm in Malindi and its environs, 94.9 fm in Voi and its environs and 88.5 fm in Lamu and its environs. Our target audience is the local mwananchi living and working in the coastal region: LSM 1-7. Research has also shown that Radio Kaya has a secondary audience of LSM 7+, with our listeners spanning from farmers, college and university students, professionals, small scale, medium scale and established business people from around the coastal region
Radio Kaya Reach

The Radio Kaya reach in Kenya’s Coastal region
- 1. Mombasa
- Kisauni
- Changamwe
- Mombasa Island
- Likoni
- 2. Kwale
- Kubo
- Lunga lunga
- Kinango
- Matuga
- Msambweni
- 3. Kilifi
- Ganze
- Bahari
- Kaloleni
- Malindi
- 4. Taita-Taveta
- Voi
- Wundanyi
- Taveta
- Mwatate
- 5. Lamu
- Amu
- Faza
- Hindi
- Kiunga
- Kizingitini
- Mpeketoni
- Witu
- 6. Tana River
- Madogo
- Garsen
- Galole
- Bura